Month: December 2021


3 ways to avoid DNS outage

DNS outage explained.

DNS outage represents the time in which your DNS is not working. There are various reasons why this happen. For example, the incoming traffic is a lot, or your server is attacked. That does not allow the DNS resolution of your domain name to its IP address. All the users trying to connect with your domain are going to receive an error message and won’t be capable of exploring your website.

What are the consequences of a DNS outage?


Cyber attacks

Ping of Death: Everything you need to know.

The ping command is another good example of how technology can be used for positive, but also for evil purposes. This useful and basic tool can become a Ping of Death for your online business. Like with all cyber threats, the best is to be aware of it. Here you have everything you need to know about the Ping of Death!

What is Ping of Death?

Ping of Death (PoD) attack is a denial of service or DoS attack that relies on the use of the ping command for sending oversized packets of data to a specific target with the clear objective of destabilizing it and shutting it down.


DDoS protection

The truth behind DDoS protected DNS service

Have you ever wondered if the DDoS protected DNS services are true, or are they just another Internet scam? Now we will uncover this type of service. Are DDoS attacks so dangerous or not? Let’s jump into it!

What is a DDoS attack?

The DDoS attacks are a cyber attack, where bad actors use various methods to generate a lot of traffic towards a target, with the purpose to overwhelm it. Then, when the target can’t respond to normal queries anymore, it will deny service to newly connected users, and from there, the name comes.

Top reliable and affordable DDoS protected DNS service
