Tag: DoS attack

Cyber attacks

Slowloris attack explained in details

In the realm of cybersecurity, various attack techniques have evolved over time, each with its own unique approach and set of challenges. One such technique is the Slowloris attack, a stealthy and efficient method employed by malicious actors to cripple web servers without the need for a massive botnet or heavy network traffic. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the Slowloris attack, exploring its mechanisms, potential impacts, and how to defend against it.

Understanding the Slowloris Attack

The Slowloris attack, named after the slow-moving nature of a certain type of lizard, is a low-and-slow Denial of Service (DoS) attack designed to exploit a web server’s capacity to handle concurrent connections. Unlike traditional DoS attacks that flood a target server with a high volume of traffic, the Slowloris attack operates differently. It capitalizes on the server’s vulnerability to handling multiple slow, incomplete HTTP requests.

Signs of Slowloris Attack


Cyber attacks, DNS, Network

What is a Teardrop attack and how can it affect you?

A Teardrop attack is a type of Denial-of-Service attack in which the criminal delivers large volumes of malware data to the targeted machine, causing it to fall. Let’s plumb its depths and explain more.

Teardrop attack – detailed explanation

One of the most common DoS (Denial-of-Service) attacks is the Teardrop DoS attack. Its goal is to inundate its target with malicious fragmented data packets that the victim will be unable to reconstruct and, as a result, will be unable to operate. This exploit takes advantage of a unique flaw in the TCP/IP reassembly procedure. As a result, the fragmented data packets exceed the victim’s capacity until it crashes while attempting to process them.


DDoS attack

DDoS attack: How dangerous is it?

DDoS attack explained

DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service attack) is a cyber threat that utilizes the capacity limits related to each of the network resources. Therefore, its main purpose is to disrupt critical targets, for instance, a system, or a network, or even a server. The DDoS attack sends a large number of requests to the targeted web resource. The aim is to overload the capacity of the website entirely. As a result, the target is not able to handle all of the requests, and the website could not function for regular users.

Popular DDoS attack types that hackers use
